Hangout With God

Friday, July 08, 2005

In the beginning...

Earth (Clouds)

Please read Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1-5 and Psalm 148:1-6

These few verses sure cause big debates in science class. Unfortunately, there are no quick or easy answers in the creation and evolution controversy. Believers in evolution claim our world suddenly exploded into existence billions of years ago-pits of slime somehow sprouted legs and started growing chest hair. It's a good story for those who don't believe in God or the Bible. The Bible informs us that God created the earth, and through him all things were made-including us.

Actually, it takes less faith to believe God created this world and us than it does to believe our complex minds and bodies evolved from a "big bang" and a drop of ooze.

God created each of us in His image. try thining about that the next twenty-one times you look in the mirror. Our uniqueness is no accident!


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