Hangout With God

Friday, July 08, 2005

Hangout with God... HowG....

1 min bible

Few months ago, we had a talk show in fellowship.. do you still remember I posted a question? "What does the Bible mean to you?" Some of you gave me your very honest opinion about the Bible. I am thankful for that... Honesty is more impt than acting you are ok... When you are honest, then you ask, when you ask, you are given an explaination, then you understand, then you will grow in Christ.. This is how we grow in Christ.. keep seeking the Word of God ... Understand it.. Apply it into our lives...

In order for you all to grow in Christ thru God's word, I have just created a blog for you to spend time with God. I know most of us are very busy in school work and to a fact that work has affected your relationship with God.. this is becoz u spend more time in work n fun than God's word..
For those who have quiet time everyday.. keep up the good work!
For those who have not, start from here...
It will not take you more than 1 min to read and 2 mins to ponder... Of coz, I hope everyone will read this .. The message is taken from this book... interesting things we young people always doubt about..

First message... "In the beginning..."
Hangout WiTh God!!


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